
Tartuffe, a Comedy by Molier

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Tartuffe is one of the most famous comedies written by the French playwright Molière. The play tells the story of a wealthy Frenchman named Orgon who takes in Tartuffe, a man who presents himself to be religious and passionate but actually turns out to be a hypocrite. Despite his family’s warnings, Orgon completely turns his back on his family in order to protect Tartuffe, who betrays him. During that time the play was first written and performed, many people, along with King Louis XIV himself, enjoyed the play. However, to others it was seen as being critical of religion and the church, which then lead to it being banned. In a political sense, Tartuffe serves as both an endorsement and critique of the ideas of absolutism, divine right, …show more content…

In those times, religion was hard to separate from politics and other aspects. Tartuffe was able to fool people by claiming to be a devout man of God. If this were to happen with the King’s advisors, it could cause corruption throughout many parts of the kingdom. Molière does believe that the King should seek advice from others, but he warns that he should listen to many opinions and think carefully before making a final decision.
The divine right theory claims that the monarchs are specially selected by God to rule the kingdom. Consequently, the King is responsible for his own actions and decisions. However, God is the only one who can make judgments. So even if the King rules unfairly, that does not permit the citizens to rebel against his rule. Rather, it is up to God to handle it. In Tartuffe, Molière seems to praise the King for his fairness and mercy by pardoning Orgon in the end. Due to his previous loyalty to the throne, he returned Orgon’s property to him and forgave him for hiding the papers. The wise King also saw through Tartuffe’s deception and hypocrisy and had him arrested. These events in the story definitely show Molière’s support for King Louis XIV, as he knew that abolitionism and divine right were honest intentions to rule the kingdom fairly.
Also during this time period, an emphasis was placed on patriarchal family. God has ultimate authority over all, as He is the true

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