
Task Performance Of Persons With Disabilities

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TASK PERFORMANCE OF PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES: A RESEARCH TOOL DEVELOPMENT Madhulaa R & Dr. R. Arjunan Abstract Our country’s development in terms of economy is contributed majorly by different industrial sectors which increases the financial situation of the nation. The industries before several decades retain employees still the age of their retirement, but now-a-days labour turn over in organisations are increasing due to increased growth of job openings in organisations and higher rate of qualified personnel’s. Hence organizations rely upon the best suitable candidates irrespective of their nature leads the persons with disabilities to get job in a considerable manner. To obtain a job it is necessary for an individual to perform effectively in the assigned work. Performance is a kind of process that consists of the phases like goal setting, measurement, assessment, feedback, rewarding for good results, improvement for bad results and applying sanction in case of necessity (Kazan, 2013). The behaviours that contribute to organizational effectiveness through technical processes and activities that result in the production of goods and services are termed as task performance (Borman, 1993). To identify the factors responsible for effective task performance among the persons with disabilities items were generated and model was developed for the purpose of further studies. The researcher adopted descriptive research design for the study. The study was conducted among the

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