
Tax Reform Essay

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The congressional proposed tax changes will adversely affect the U.S. middle class. According to Pew Research, which claims to obtain its data through non-partisan demographic research and public opinion polling, the American middle class, defined as those making two-thirds to double the median income, makes up about half the population. Further information in this paper is obtained from reliable sources such as the New York Times and the Washington Post, which are typically regarded as center to left, As well as right-leaning sources such as Forbes magazine, whose chief editor, Steve Forbes, is a major Republican. The Congressional Budget Office and the US Census Bureau also supply reliable, researched data, and both Time Inc, Money, and …show more content…

Middle class income can be roughly calculated as ranging from $40,000 to $120,000. Since the middle class taxes are affected by proposed new tax brackets, income and tax deductions, the current tax laws are summarized and compared to the House and Senate proposals in the following table (US Census Bureau, 09/2017). Looking at these numbers the U.S. middle class does benefit directly by tax cuts, although the benefit for individuals will decrease each year, and differs by state; for example, the median income for the state of Maryland is about $70,000 per household ( Using the Pew Research definition, this makes the middle class for Maryland $47,000 to $140,000. Taxpayers have to choose between taking the standard deduction from their income, or itemizing the deductions. According to Fact Check, higher income households, above $100,000, are more likely to itemize so upper middle class individuals are more likely to be affected by these deductions. However, since the standard deduction is likely to be doubled, most middle class people, including the upper middle class, might use the standard deduction so not be affected by new proposed deductions (FactCheck, 11/2017).
The tax proposal eliminates the individual mandate of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) requirement, which made sure everybody bought health insurance, by making

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