
Taylor Swift Research Paper

Decent Essays

Taylor Swift Role Model?

Taylor Swift has been a huge impact on our society and not in the good way. Weather it is her songs or her actions I still think she is a bad role model for young girls. I say this because 99% of her songs are about the breakup between her and a guy and if the song isn't about her it's about some random girl that she just despises for no apparent reason. According to ‘Role Model’ Taylor Swift Sings the Wrong Messages, it clearly say that Taylor is a good songwriter but she doesn't put it to good use. According to the article "The truth is that Taylor Swift is talented. She can write great pop songs with catchy melodies and lyrics that resonate with anyone with any capacity for emotion. The problem is with the image she creates for all her devoted followers to admire.

A lot of people say Taylor is a great role model because she dresses appropriately and doesn't do drugs but they are missing the obvious key to everything, her music. It's not all about the looks it's also …show more content…

Taylor writes songs for girls of purity and if you aren't pure you are considered a "slut." Eliana Buenrostro says "Her lyrics revolve around the idea that a girl or woman’s value is somehow tied to her purity. Her songs are another part of a culture that values an image of purity and places girls who are not within the label of a “slut.” Now I'm not saying I hate Taylor Swift or her music, I actually find her music catchy but if you focus on the lyrics and not the beat the truth will come out. Text says "In the song “Better Than Revenge,” Swift attacks the girl who has supposedly taken her boyfriend from her: “she’s not a saint...she’s better known for the things she does on the mattress.” From that line in her song she focuses on what women do sexually, then immediately vilifying anything related to

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