
Technological Advancements Benefit Humanity

Decent Essays

Technological Advancements Benefit Humanity Change in technology happens rapidly on a daily basis. As Schlesinger expresses, “The last two lifetimes have seen more scientific and technological achievement that the first 798 put together”(Schlesinger 41). Whether it deals with cars, travel, medicine, media, or a host of other topics, advancements in technology are occurring all around us. It is up to us whether to accept these changes or not. Many believe that change in technology is a hindrance, causing more problems than solutions. I believe technology has created a safer environment, revolutionized the way we look at different ideas, and resolved many economic problems in industries! In other words, change is inevitable and people …show more content…

Some people say social media technology has caused a lack of social etiquette and personal interaction. I have discovered that with great technology at our finger tips, it is teaching us how to think outside the box, helping to reinforce intelligence. I have come to conclude that these countless technological changes have helped us to evolve as a whole and to better our future. These changes simplify the way we do many things in society and have also contributed to making it a safer place to live. Change will happen, it is up to the people of the world to accept and embrace it. What we have now will only become more advanced in the future.

Works Cited
Klein, Thomas, Bruce Edwards, and Thomas Wymer. "Searching for Great Ideas." Trans. Arthur Schlesinger, Jr. The Challenge of Change. . 2nd. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, Cengage Learning,
Law, Wai-Lun. "Single incision laparoscopic surgery: the next frontier of minimally invasive surgery." Surgical Practice (1744-1625) . 14.1 (2010): 29-31. Web. 15 Feb. 2012. <>.
"Why the Future is Hybrid." . The Economist, 12/04/2004. Web. 12 Feb 2012. <

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