
Technological Advancements With Cell Phones Have Drastically Improved Information Access

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Technological advancements with cell phones have drastically improved information access that we have today. Applications loaded on a smart phone can access the internet, social media sites, video phone calls, texts and place a simple phone call. This access is unrestrictive and available 24 hours a day and 7 days a week, with one exception, never to be used while you are operating a motor vehicle. The use of a cell phone while operating a vehicle places the user and all others on the road in danger, and should be made illegal in all states, by any driver. Currently there are 49 states and U.S Territories that have some type of law that restricts the use of a phone while driving (Distraction). Each state has implemented legislation differently, though, resulting in dissimilar laws and methods of enforcement by police across the country. Most states currently outlaw the use of texting on a device, while driving, but these can be either a primary or secondary law and according to the age of the driver. A primary law being one that you can be stopped directly for using a phone, while a secondary law, an officer must observe some other offense first, like speeding. This ambiguity in laws leads to confusion to drivers and the faulty logic that using your phone to text is not that dangerous, because if it were, it would be illegal everywhere. The National Safety Council estimates that over 28% of all crashes are a result of distracted drivers, with over 200,000 accidents

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