
Technological Er The Internet 's Effect On The Human Brains Neural Pathways

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Technological Era: The Internet’s Effect on the Human Brains Neural Pathways The twenty-first century has been an era of such grand advancements in technology. From the invention of the two way video calling application, Skype, to the multi useful Apple iPhone, technology has created a less patient, multi tasking, more connected to the world around them, consumer. Walking down the street, people are constantly checking in with their technology, whether it its responding to a text, replying to an Instagram comment or reading the latest article on the CNN news app on their iPad. Technology has become a regular part of many North American’s life whether it be for the better or for the good. Schools are leaning towards teaching through SMART …show more content…

From the readings off the MRI’s scanner, Dr. Smalls noticed that the brain activity of the veteran internet users was noticeably higher than of those that were new internet users. Furthermore, he came to find that spending significant time on the internet reroutes the brains pathways in a quick and distinctive manner. Pushing his findings further, Small experimented onward with the new internet users commanding them to spend an hour daily searching the internet. After analyzing this study Small found that the new users had now developed a “distinctive neural pathway” that the veteran internet users possessed too. Carr now recalls when computers started coming around in the 1980’s people thought it would allow students to think in a more rounded way because of the quick, and vast way that they received information online. According to Carr, some of effects on the brain from the constant use of internet was “disrupting concentration of the brain and weakening compression.” (Carr) To sum up the negative effect of the internet on the brain, Carr suggests that the easy access that the internet gives to us about countless forms of information has turned humans into “shallow thinkers, literally chaining the structure of our brain” (Carr). Onward, Carr notes how hypertext was believed to improve critical thinking

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