
Technology In 1984

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The book 1984 by George Orwell takes place in a dystopian future where the government has complete control over its people. Technology is a valuable part of society today as well as history. People desire their personal devices with them at all times often feeling empty without it. In the United States, history is taught as a way to learn from the past while moving forward. The society shown in 1984 is similar to our own and some of the values and trends are still held today. They used technology to gain control over its people and history to justify their agenda. Rewriting history and technology aided the party into controlling and manipulating the citizens. One of the themes that occurs in the book is the control of information and history. …show more content…

It is common that the government or people in power switches the narrative to benefit their agenda. One of the most common things that get changed around in every country is wars. For example, the Mexican American war. In America, we teach it completely different than Mexico does. America makes it seem like we were glorious and heroes. On the other hand, Mexico teaches that America invaded and cast a negative light on America during this war. Even some text books used today are not accurate all the time and are set to this American greatness to kids. Though changing the narrative in wars is common another place that demonstrates this is through social media. People who hold power are often in the spotlight over things said in the past or present on a social platform. An example of this would-be Donald Trump and his comment on global warming. Even though he actively tried to change deny the claims, because it was posted on twitter, it was proven true. Because the world is getting more advanced with technology, it makes it harder for people to get away with these types of things. Today, many people still get away with changing the past that have power. Controlled information and history was a major key for the party to gain control over the world. Without this, the party would have failed and order would have been restored as it was before. Burning the old information and writing in the new information manipulated …show more content…

Hackers have the resources to consume one's identity, go into their personal files, as well as stalk them. Many people now days are worried about the Patriot act. This act gives the government the right to look into anyone personal stuff without a warrant or notice. It’s a way to fight terrorist but many people don’t think of it that way. Many people see it as a negative thing and worry if they will use it for something else. One way people combat this is putting tape across their webcams to prevent the government from watching them. If it was required to have phones for the sole purpose of the government watching everything that people do, it would cause chaos. People would protest the way they did once the Patriot act was passed. Another example would be the google home mini. A man noticed that it seemed to be recording even though he wasn’t telling the device to do anything and immediately emailed google. With this becoming public knowledge many people became enraged at google. Many saying that this was a way for the government to spy on their citizens. The idea of the government watching scares a lot of

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