
Technology In 1984

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In George Orwell's book 1984 we learn of a powerful and invasive power called “Big Brother”. “Big Brother” is what rules and monitors the lives of all the people in the book at all times. Orwell wrote this book right after World War II to serve as a warning that if we are not careful our world could become like the society in the book 1984. In today’s society we do not have a “Big Brother”, but actually a “Little Brother”. “Little Brother” is a power that affects everyone who uses technology. Even though we have not lost our privacy as much as the characters in 1984, we have lost some of our privacy to our own use of technology, “Little Brother”. Overall technology is corrupting our world, but technology does have its perks at times. The book 1984 is written as a warning to us about what our society could be like if we don’t protect our rights to privacy. In the book there are different ministries that control every aspect of life for the people in the …show more content…

It is being corrupted by all of the “Little Brothers” that are in our society. An example of technology corrupting society is this story about a college student taking his life because of technology. As The New York Times says “ For Tyler Clementi, the Rutgers University student who recently committed suicide after a live-stream video of an intimate encounter of his was played on the Web, Little Brother took the form of a prying roommate with a webcam.” (Kirn). In this story Tyler Clementi is affected by a “Little Brother” who just so happened to be his roommate. Tyler Clementi’s roommate used a webcam to invade Tylers privacy, and then went on to live-stream the video. This is just like the telescreens used in 1984 that were watching the people in this society. Tylers roommate invaded his privacy so much that it lead him to commit suicide. This shows the power that “Little Brother” can have over us. It also shows the negative impact it can have on a person's

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