
Technology In Fahrenheit 451

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In the novel Fahrenheit 451, by Ray Bradbury, technology is the ruling feature in their society. The people spend most of their time watching televisions with screens as big as walls. If not watching television, subway speakers or portable, earphone sized radios constantly bombard the people’s lives. In contrast, Guy Montag (the protagonist) was also able to use technology for good. In Ray Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451, technology was shown in both positive and negative aspects, such as keeping the people in submission vs. helping the protagonist and his friends break out of the false life they lived in.
Many examples were given to show the government using technology to keep the people in line. The government’s best weapon to keep the people in order was the Hound. It “can remember… ten thousand odor indexes and… never fails” (pg 134). When someone broke the law, the government would send the Hound after them and televise it so that others would see what would happen to them if they did break the law. It created fear that controlled the people. If the people feared the government then they wouldn’t do anything against them, creating a negative result from lack of freedom. Another example of the government controlling the people is found in the Walls. Faber told the audience that the Walls were, “an environment as real as the world. It becomes and is the …show more content…

The most helpful thing that let him escape, was Faber’s “green bullet.” This device allowed Montag to have Faber’s advice and guidance wherever he went. It allowed him to withstand and block out the government’s trap, and see the true reality without the government’s interference. Montag also was able to use the seashell radio and Walls to his advantage. He saw the government's attempts to stop him and thwarted them before they could happen. In these ways was Montag able to escape the prison in which he was caged

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