
Technology Will Be The Ruin Of The Classic Shave For Men Essay

Decent Essays

Merkur 34C HD: Complete Unbiased Review Technology will be the ruin of the classic shave for men. The Merkur 34C HD double-edged safety razor is the best technology out there that will give men the closest shave possible short of having a skilled barber using a straight razor. This technology has been around for many years and there isn 't any new technology out there to challenge the superiority of performance. Human judgement trumps technology every time. My Rules for Getting a Close Shave Let’s build a list of things that are just roaming around in your head. You’ve read all the sales pitches and marketing material from a thousand companies that sell razors. It’s time to boil down the results and show why the Merkur 34C HD razor is superior. 1. Close Shave – this is the primary consideration for any man. I want a razor that gives me a clean, close shave every time that’s totally under my control. The Merkur 34C delivers. 2. Convenience – I choose to think of this factor as an issue of performance. What method can I use that meets my close shave criteria with a reasonable investment of time to make the outcome something that I will be proud of. The Merkur 34C delivers. 3. Performance – this is a case of measuring your self-confidence in the device you’re going to use. Does it feel right in your hand? Is it easy to maneuver? Does it effectively give you a close shave in all those “trouble spots”? The Merkur 34C delivers. 4. Cost – does it fit in your budget so far as

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