
Teen Magazine Advertisements

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The whole world has seen ads in magazines where the attractive blond-haired person is showing off a bathing suit and a beefy man is looking right at her. Ads like these are misleading due to the impact they put in teen minds. Young teenagers and boys are influenced everyday by these advertisements. Young woman wants to be slimmer and look attractive, the truth is modeling in teen magazine ads have harmful body images. The figures seen in magazine advertisements drive young woman and young boys to put their own body at risk and go beyond what is healthy to attain a certain image of perfection. Teen magazines should forbid advertisements with models with unhealthy body images, causing teens to doubt their own self-worth (Peterson, 1994).
Teenagers want to have the perfect body, Magazines are full of the idea of perfect models who have what one would distinguish us, a perfect body. When young girls see what they believe is perfection, they go to risky lengths to accomplish that look. With healthy models, teens can lift their self-esteem by working hard to accomplish a goal without going to extreme measures. Extreme measures can be harmful to physical health. …show more content…

Magazine advertisements that show well-built models with massive biceps and six-packs. Young boys begin to imitate the false photos in an unhealthy way. One of the main drugs, boys use to increase their figure is anabolic steroids, that are synthetic hormone or hormones that can increase the body’s capability to create muscle and avoid muscle breakdown. Corticosteroids are distinct because they are consumed as prescriptions by a doctor. Young men who take steroids are trying to expand their muscle development. The dangers of anabolic steroids are very risky to physical health. The results include breakouts, tumor in the liver and mood swings. These risks can cause deadly health problems (Peterson,

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