
Teen Pregnancy

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Teen Pregnancy Today, some teenagers are missing all the fun activities that life and school has to offer, whether it is making it to their high school graduation, or exploring the college lifestyle. Why are they missing these activities? They are not making the right choices at an early age. Sometimes I wonder about the teenagers in my community and all I can think about is the future teenagers and the ones before. What if the teenagers before were educated more before making the decision on having unprotected sex? They would be able to make better choices. What can we do to help the future teenager avoid teen pregnancy? Teen Pregnancy is an ongoing problem in the Carroll County Community, which is causing teenagers to become less educated, live in poverty and have health issues Carrollton, Mississippi should create programs such, Family Planning Programs, and Abstinence Programs to help solve teen pregnancy issues. Many of Carrollton young people are missing the opportunity of being educated. They are choosing to become parents at a young age before getting an education. Teens are ignoring the fact that education is here to help them and not harm. “The teen dropout rate of high school for pregnant teens is about 60 percent…” (“Teen Parenting”). I see teenagers dropping out of school before they enter into the ninth graded According to Teenage Pregnancy and Poverty “a third of teen mother achieve a high school diploma and that

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