
Teen Sleep Essay

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Researchers at Case Western Reserve University found that more than half of students slept seven hours or less, and almost one in five got less than six hours. In a survey of middle- and high-school students, researchers found that 82 percent said they woke up tired and unrefreshed, and more than half had trouble concentrating during the day at least once a week. Sleep is essential for proper development of the body and brain, especially during the adolescent ages. Due to many factors, teens are sleep deprived and don’t get the sleep necessary for growth. The average teenager should be getting eight to ten hours of sleep, but the average being only seven. Teens tend to have irregular sleep patterns across the week - they typically stay up late and sleep in late on the weekends, which can affect their biological clocks and hurt the quality of their sleep. School and other outside factors play a huge role when it comes to time management and sleep due to the early start-times, the excess the amount of homework, and time-consuming activities, such as sports. The sleep deprivation caused by these factors play a big role in teen’s health issues.
Education is essential for the development and growth of the adolescent mind, but teens are going to school and coming back with nothing learned because they were “too tired” and falling asleep during class. The lack of sleep may be caused by the early start-times that schools set for their students. Expecting students to wake-up earlier,

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