
Teens Who Fought Hitler By Lauren Tarshis

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The article, “Teens Who Fought Hitler,” by Lauren Tarshis describes many hardships Ben,a teenage Jew who with his family, faced, just like thousands of other Jews who were forced to move into the Warsaw Ghetto by the Nazis. The Jews were terribly treated everywhere in the ghetto. Each person was allotted only one tenth of food a day that they should be eating. Many diseases including typhus spread. Before the Warsaw Ghetto, no Jew could be at libraries or public parks and were not allowed out of their house after five o'clock. Throughout all these unimaginable challenges and hardships, Ben and fellow partisans (and his family) defied Hitler and the Nazi’s reign of terror. After WW1 in 1918 there were very few jobs and homes for the …show more content…

Ben soon learned tricks for sneaking out of the ghetto to find food for his family. There were holes in the wall and tunnels that led them to the other side. With his blond hair and blue eyes, Ben blended in easily with the rest of the population. Ben also had an aunt who nobody knew was Jewish and she managed to help. If Ben was caught he could be sent away or killed. (8). This shows courage because if Ben was found sneaking out of the Warsaw Ghetto, he would get shot on sight. An example of courage on page 8 is, “Ben would learn that he could do something after all- if he dared. Tens of thousands of people, including thousands of Jews were fighting back against the Nazis. They were called partisans who operated in the forest of Eastern Europe. Some were experienced fighters and some were boys or girls. They sabotaged railroads , stole weapons, and blew up factories… Ben, with his parents' permission, snuck out joined up. (8). This act shows courage because Ben and his family had to know they might not see each other again. If Ben ever did come back to the Warsaw Ghetto as a partisan, he could be found and executed. After reading that part I now know young people weren't always useless. Further along in the article I read, “Ben had to learn how to ambush Polish policemen and steal their weapons. Danger for the partisans lurked everywhere in the hostile countryside, where Poles could earn rewards for turning in Jews to the Nazis. (9). This shows courage because when Ben became a partisan, he was hunted by the police and the Nazis who were trying to kill

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