
Tempest Essay Questions

Decent Essays

Question 1

Early in The Tempest we are introduced to a servant of Prospero and Caliban who was born from a witch, Sycorax, and was portrayed as a monster and thus acted as a monster. In the end he was left behind on the island due to his continuous misbehavior. Caliban’s background is full of doing task for his master, Prospero, such as showing him and his daughter the land and collecting his resources for them. Some of Caliban’s chores that he does for Prospero includes collecting firewood, showing him the land, and other physical tasks. His relationship with Prospero was good and healthy until Caliban assaulted his daughter, Miranda. This lead to Prospero treating Caliban as more of a monster, and less of a man, just as everyone else treated him. Caliban later finds two men named Trinculo and Stephano, who both laugh and mock Caliban. Caliban is eager for a new master to he begs them to accept him as a servant. They accept, and formulate a plan to kill Prospero. …show more content…

He is given a stigma that will stick with him the rest of his lived just for that. We later find Caliban working as one of Prospero's servants on the Island like Ariel. Ariel was saved by Prospero, and thus agreed to work for Prospero for a portion of his life. Ariel is a lot more obedient, calm, graceful, and smarter than Caliban however. Ariel has kept a loyalty to Prospero throughout The Tempest. Together on the Island was Prospero, Miranda, Ariel, and Caliban. They were isolated from with rest of society, causing a social disconnect for most of them. Caliban wouldn’t know how to interact with a larger community. Even with his nature of being independent, he grew colder and more foreign to

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