
Caliban in William Shakespeare´s The Tempest: The Victim Undercover as a Villain

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In the play, The Tempest, by William Shakespeare, Caliban is an important character. Caliban is a character who plays as a victim to be pitied, as well as a villain to watch out for. In this essay, I will show clearly how Caliban is a victim and villain by exploring his relationship with Prospero, Miranda, and the island. Caliban has been a victim of mistreatment for many reasons. Him and Miranda definitely do not have a good relationship, in fact Miranda absolutely hates him and she is frightened by him. Although, she has treated him badly psychologically. " 'Tis a villain, sir,/ I do not love to look on". (ac1.2.370-371). She calls him evil and says she doesn't like him. "Abhorred slave/ which any print of goodness wilt not take/ being …show more content…

Caliban is doing anything to get the island back. “ Within this half hour will he be asleep/ Wilt thou destroy him then?”(3.2.124-5). Caliban even wants Prospero to be killed, that’s how determined he is! Last but not least, Caliban had an unstable relationship with Prospero. Miranda wasn’t the only one that treated Caliban as a slave, Prospero did as well. “..What,ho! Slave! Caliban!”(1.2.375). Caliban would be called names, and numerous times he is treated as a slave, but Prospero felt no guilt to how he treats him. As mentioned before, Caliban is a villain as well, which means he is also evil to Prospero. “All the infections that the sun sucks up/ From bogs, fens, flats, on Prosper fall and make him/By inchmeal a disease!”(2.2.5). Caliban hoped that all the diseases that are in swamps and marches infect Prospero, in every inch of his body so he could become a walking disease. Not only did he wish for him to be infected, but he also wanted to severely hurt him. “I’ll yield him thee asleep, where thou mayst knock a nail into his head”(2.3.67-8) He tells Stephano that he will take him to where Prospero sleeps, so he could pound a nail into his head. After they were to put a nail into his head, he wanted to continue to do evil things to him. “Beat him enough. After a little time, I’ll beat him too”(3.2.92-3) As it shows in this quotation, Caliban wanted to beat Prospero. As shown with clear evidence, throughout this play, Caliban is a victim

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