
Tennis Is My Favorite Sport

Satisfactory Essays

People have always said that sports are so great for anyone who struggle with drama filled lives, anxiety, depression and many more problems like this. They say this because sports occupies a portion of your time and and provide you with an escape you can’t find anywhere else. When you’re playing a sport, you’re so focused on what you need to do in the heat of competition that nothing else in the world seems important. Because of that experience, I couldn’t agree more with those people.

Tennis is my favorite sport. I started playing in the seventh grade. When I’m playing, the experience is what I love. I love everything about it… the fresh smell of new tennis balls when you pop open the can, the hype before matches that get’s the team …show more content…

Everyone has good days and bad, life is full of plot twists and the unknown is always there to hit you; however, when I’m playing I don’t worry about any of this. On that court, I’m only worried about me, my partner, and how we’re going to fight for the win.

Game day - Westfield
The team dressed up in our best dresses to school on this day. None of us knew much about Westfield, so my friends and I did some research. We learned more about the school than we did whatever was being taught in that class. Westfield, a 3A school is located close to Indianapolis. Our thoughts were ‘they’re a big city school, they’re most likely very good’ in other words, we knew we were already done for.

It was after school and we all made our way to the locker room to get ready, and prepare; actually meaning mess around. The atmosphere was like always, fun and vibrant, you could instantly feel the energy as soon as you walk in. We changed into our uniforms, put on our tennis shoes and talked about this unfamiliar school. None of us were too worried because of the fact that we were county champs, conference champs, sectional champs and overall a good, hard team to beat. After a while our bus had arrived and we all exited the locker room and some of us stopped to fill up our waters. Excited and jumpy we all made our way in and loud chatter soon filled the bus. If you were to get on the busses with us to away games, you’d think we’re all crazy; we’re out of out seats, standing up

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