
Teotihuacan Ritual Practices

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II. Introduction
In this article the author examines the changes in ritual practices as it pertains to human sacrifice during the Epiclasic period in central Mexico. In discussing this topic, the author presence evidence from the excavation of a shrine discovered on Lake Xaltocan in the northern Basin of Mexico. Here they have discovered the human remains of about 30 individuals. Using pottery and accelerator mass spectrometry they could place the construction and use of the shrine in the Epiclassic period. It is believed that the site was built during or immediately after the final years of Teotihuacan s regional influence.

III. Characterization of the Argument (1-3 paragraphs) The author suggests that initially ritual practices might have been directed towards deities associated with rain, water and agriculture. Evidence suggests that eventually the shrine became the locus of human sacrifice. The shrine was located near fresh water springs. The residents of this community, likely began the rituals practices for much more basic reasons. It is likely they were offering praises, petitioning and celebrating the gods of the agriculture. This idea is reinforced by the presence effigies of Talaloc, the god of rain. Excavations at the site reveal that the practitioners burned incenses and …show more content…

The human sacrifice at this shrine postdate Teotihuacan`s decline, which suggests conflict and struggle for power. Teotihuacan`s decline was quite rapid, and that could have created a power vacuum in the region. Another factor that could have influenced the area was immigration. Because of the riches and fertility of the land, may have increased the areas attractiveness for new leaders and their followers. Human sacrifice was already practiced in central Mexico, and it is possible that the new arrival to the region brought their culture and practices with

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