
Texting : The Influence Of Communication And Social Communication

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Who has ever taken the advantage of texting and video call to communicate with people instead of gathering their confidence and talking in person? The amount of texting in this society has increased gradually over the past decade with a percentage of over 7,700% (Burke). Since the development of communication on modern technology, the generation’s ability to communicate in person has been damaged through lack of face-to-face interactions and improper grammar. Although texting and social media may benefit relationships in long distance, privacy is invaded and the lack of interactions in person can damage the relationships. Furthermore, texting has changed the way we communicate because it provides an easier option for people to choose to contact people. Texting has changed the way society in the 21st century has communicated because it deprives social skills in person. The increasing amount of conversations developed on technology has affected the confidence and social skills of this generation because communicating behind a screen is very different from communicating in person. Before sending a message, an individual is able to erase and retype a message if there is a mistake. On the other hand, in a verbal conversation, no errors can be fixed once something is said. Several people have turned to technology to get over their fears of confronting people. Not only does this decreases the confidence of social skills in this generation, it also increases cyberbullying, a form

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