
Thank You, Ma Am Introductory Paragraph Practice

Satisfactory Essays

Thank You, Ma’am Introductory Paragraph Practice “The robb’d that smiles, steals something from the thief; He robs himself that spends a bootless grief.” This paradox is demonstrated through the short story, Thank You, Ma’am, as a woman that goes by Mrs. Jones. Helps this fourteen year old straggly boy, that goes by the name Roger find the real answer to life. As Mrs. Jones takes him into her home, even though the boy tried to steal her purse. She teaches him that you don’t need to steal if you want something in life. You could just ask, because someone would be willing to show an act of kindness. She forgives the boy for trying to steal her purse, because everyone sins and no one's perfect. We all have sinned and we just have to live with

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