
That's Amorie Quotes

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“Tony Bennett was on the radio, and saying, “Please,” her voice catching on the newness of the word, Helen asked me to turn it up.” - Page 108, That’s Amore

This quote is significant in that it shows a somber level of pity in stark contrast to the satirical and rude voice used throughout the book. After Helen’s death David hears all the stories of Helen’s aggression, but soon his laughter on her life turns to nostalgia of the time they spent together. Although Helen was obscenely awful, David manages to look back on their time together fondly; and with an undertone of remorse over how she never became a better person.

“Her expression changed then, becoming fearful rather than merely pained. It was the look you get when facing a sudden and …show more content…

Chest cavities were emptied of blood with cheap metal soup ladles, the kind you’d see in cafeterias, and the autopsy tables were lubricated with whatever dish detergent happened to be on sale.” - Page 181, The Monster Mash

This quote captures the feeling of this story perfectly. In this section, David is morbidly amazed at how normal the lives of those whose jobs center around death are; to the point of an unwarranted obsession. Suddenly simple actions such as talking become imagining their body on the autopsy table, and all met quite casually.

At a nearby table there’s always a couple in their late seventies, holding their menus with trembling, spotted hands. “Soups a good thing,” the wife will say, and the man will nod or grunt or fool with the stem of his wineglass. Eventually he’ll look my way, and I’ll catch in his eye a look of grim recognition. We are your future, he seems to say.” - Page 234, Old Faithful
“Karl has...finished with his smoking.” - Page 271, The Smoking Section Part I, Part Twelve

This quote demonstrates one of the main themes within this chapter: the difference in

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