
The 7 Habits Of Highly Effective Teens

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The purpose of Covey’s The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens is to better mold a teen’s mind frame. Most teen’s lives are crazy and have no order. These seven habits help teens get control over their lives. The first part is the private victory, followed by the public victory, and finally the renewal. If all of these habits are applied, they will help all teens to be more successful and get more out of life. Habit 1 is all about being proactive, and taking charge of yourself. You can’t keep blaming everything else but yourself. You are in control of your attitude towards everything that happens. In life’s situations you have the choice of either being proactive or reactive. Being reactive is allowing other people and things control you. Instead of reacting to small stuff that have little or no control, proactive people focus on things they can control. They separate their experiences from the circumstances. You are the force of positive actions, and changing actions that aren’t helpful is the best way to take responsibility of your life. In addition, Habit 2 is about beginning with the end in mind. This is where you create your own personal mission statement. Mission statements help you focus, clarify what is important, and are a guide for decision making. It can be about yourself, family, or about organization. Your future is dependent on control, guidance, and rules. A solid foundation of your own principles will help you be a leader. Furthermore, Habit 3 is about

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