
The Achievements of the Tang and Song Dynasties Essay

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November 23, 2009 Grey Global Semestered
The Achievements of the Tang and Song Dynasty Today we can look around ourselves and see thousands of technical innovations that make life easier; But if we take a step back and ask ourselves “How?” we will soon realize that most often, these technological advancements did not just “poof” into existence, but are usually the outcome of building upon yesterday’s technology. If we follow this cycle back into time, we can attribute almost any modern day invention to an ancient civilization during its golden age. China was no exception. China’s Song and Tang dynasties fostered scientific advances comparable to Rome’s during its Pax Romana. The most significant and impacting of these were the …show more content…

Without this sooty powder our expressive fireworks that so vividly light up the night sky on the 4th of July would be just plain empty black, alongside awkward family barbecues. Although not as significant a development as gunpowder, porcelain is a major invention of China. It is so extremely sought after, that, porcelain has become intertwined in Chinese society and export industry. Porcelain is up among the ranks of silk in terms of exclusivity and snootiness. This has become such a valuable material, that the Chinese managed to keep the secret of production for centuries; this was the same thing for silk. Porcelain is so closely related to China, that it adopted the cultural name of china. This served as a significant move, because it only reinforced of how China was the only country at the time to produce china. Their impact on the world can be seen from the non-exclusive toilet bowls made of china, to the snooty 50 piece dinner set of China. Without China, the world would be a happier place as parents around the world would no longer to go berserk at their kids for a shattered china dish as well as not having a super duper cold toilet seat in the winter. After the decline of the Tang dynasty, a second more seemingly cowardly dynasty arose, the Song. Although very faint hearted in nature, this

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