
The Acknowledgement Of Core And Peripheral States On Global Stage

Decent Essays

I. Introduction
The acknowledgement of core and peripheral states on global stage has long been existing as a nature of international relations. The presence of commanding powers, constructed by advancements in economy, social complexion, technology, and ideology, enables world orders in which underdeveloped countries find their gap with established states challenging to narrow. Imperialism and dependency theories were therefore begotten to explain complicated relationships between nations, among them the flow and tendency of influence. While these two get their own criticism, in the age of globalization, the notion of interdependence threatens the validity of such theories (Hesmondhalgh, 2008). However, this essay attempts to argue that imperialism and dependency theories are still applicable to communications policy field in a world of global inter-connectedness due to varied outlooks on interdependent conditions. The understanding about making communications policy with international relevance in mind concerns nevertheless. The significance is that the globalized world has rendered changes to conditions of each country, forcing them to consider resistance or dependence regarding external actors in accordance with new environments. New players have emerged in new sets of relations and perform their own imperialist actions. Along this perception, the essay discusses the implication of the aforementioned theories relating to some pronounced countries’ communications

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