
The Adaptation of the Inuit (Eskimo) People: Cultural and Biological

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The Adaptation of the Inuit (Eskimo) People: Cultural and Biological
The Inuit people are also known as Eskimos. They have lived in the Artic area; the Tundra, where the climate is cold and too severe for trees to grow, for over a thousand years. Over the thousands of years living in the Artic environment, the Inuit people have adapted culturally and biologically. Among the biological adaptations, their bodies altered permitting them to adapt to the environment in five ways. In addition to biological adaptations, the Inuit people also adapted culturally, changing how they dressed, the type of home they lived in, and the number of individuals in their groups.
The five ways in which the Inuit people adapted biologically to their …show more content…

The Inuit people had high metabolism rates. This is also related to body heat and how they adapted to their cold environment. By having a high metabolic rate they were able to produce body heat as well, thus keeping them warm. The last way in which the Inuit people adapted biologically to their environment is via adaptation to foods. The Inuit people’s diet consists of high protein and fat. They ate foods such as seal, whales, and freshwater fish.
Not only did the Inuit people of the Artic adapt biologically, they did so culturally as well. They adapted culturally in three main ways via clothing, houses and living in small groups. The Inuit were clothing that would best suit their environment. The type of clothing worn was intended to keep in heat in addition to not expose any skin. They were clothes that weren’t loose and fit around the wrists as well as the ankles The type of homes they lived in was also meant to keep in heat. They lived in Igloo and Sod (oval) houses. The last way in which the Inuit people adapted to their environment culturally is their choice to live in small groups. The small groups existed for several reasons. These reasons include being able to move frequently in order to use food resources. Other reasons include because the food is scarce smaller groups is needed. This resulted in smaller families as well and it made it easier for food to be divided. Due to living in an environment that is

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