
The Adoption Paper

Good Essays

Another piece from Advanced Feminist Theory that is related to my work is Adrienne Rich’s “Notes Toward a Politics of Location.” In her piece, she quotes Virginia Woolf who wrote “as a woman I have no country. As a woman I want no country. As a woman my country is the whole world” (Rich 211). This quote, and this idea, is one that is repeated by several others in their concern with women and their connection to nation and country. Boland’s poetry collection, A Woman Without a Country, not only takes its title and its epigraph from this quote, it is building on these thoughts about women and the nation. Kay too looks at her specific positionality and how that is related to nation and nationalist feeling. Other work on the themes of my project …show more content…

Some of the same themes that Popp identifies in The Adoption Papers, are also evident in The Empathetic Store. Popp writes that the “moments of oral communion in Kay’s texts” serve to “counteract the moments when her feet are at their most unsteady, this ensuring that her voice is strong even-and especially-when she feels that her body is rootless” (315). This unsteadiness is something that is found throughout Kay’s poetry as she searches for family roots and a firm history. Despite this rootlessness, Kay develops a strong voice that grants her power and purpose. Popp also argues that other black British writers, many of whom are associated with postcolonial thought, also explore this …show more content…

The essay states that a woman writer must try to find a new language to use to describe the new environment in which they find themselves, as well as a past that they were not a part of. This work was so important to Boland that it was it was referenced in her book of essays, A Journey with Two Maps. I will use this piece, and Boland’s comments on it, to shed light on the struggle Boland faces as an Irish woman writer and how that appears in her poetry. For Kay, it is not just gender that complicates her identity as a Scottish poet, it is race and sexuality as well. The question of who is and isn’t Scottish and who can and can’t claim that history and its literary legacy is something that plagues Kay in the early years of her career. During that time, she must navigate hostile waters and deal with people who would have liked to see her fail. Even now as the Makar, the Scottish poet laureate, she still faces challenges related to race and gender and addresses those conflicts in much of her

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