
The Advantage of VPN Security and Design

Decent Essays

As a business grows, an organization often expands to multiple offices across the country and even around the world. In order to expand and keep things running smoothly, the new offices need to have a fast and secure network to share information across computer networks. In addition, traveling employees like consultants and sales representatives need an equally secure and reliable way to connect to their business's computer network from remote locations. Fortunately, VPN (virtual private network) is one of the popular technologies to accomplish these goals. According to Tyson and Crawford, a VPN is a private network that uses the Internet to connect remote sites or users together. By using a VPN, an organization ensures security that non-authenticated user can intercept the encrypted data. This article will discuss about the advantages and disadvantages when VPN comes to its security and design to a higher level of secure communication when compared to other remote methods of communications, the cost to set up VPNs within an organization, and the scalability and flexibility in terms of growing with the company and adding new users to the network. The advantage of VPN security and design is that it offers a higher level of secure communication when compared to other remote methods of communication. This is due to the advanced technologies that protect the network from unauthorized access. The design and security implementation for a VPN can be complex. It requires a

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