
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn: a Portrait of Slavery in America

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John Femia Word Count: 2071 Words 1690 Township Road Rights Offered: first North American serial rights Altamont, NY 12009 (518) 872-1305 THE ADVENTURES OF HUCKLEBERRY FINN: A PORTRAIT OF SLAVERY IN AMERICA by John Femia At the surface, Mark Twain 's famed novel, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, is a thrilling narrative told by a 13-year-old boy who embarks on a perilous journey down the formidable Mississippi River aboard a tiny wooden raft. The story 's sensationalism sometimes makes Huck 's journey seem unbelievable. Underneath, however, lies an authentic …show more content…

Con artists, the Duke and the King, pose as heirs to the deceased Peter Wilks and take charge of his estate. Just two days after the funeral, the Duke and the King send the family of slaves to opposite ends of the river–the mother went to New Orleans while her two boys went to Memphis. They were sold separately, which was often the case among traders to achieve maximum profit. Some well-meaning, conforming white characters share a myopic view toward slavery due to a warped value system enveloping their society. Whenever a slave escaped, slave laws ordered their return to slavery. Sally and Silas Phelps, Tom Sawyer 's aunt and uncle, believe they are upholding their "civic duty"when they lock up Jim on their farm until his rightful owner can be found. Twain reveals how horribly slaves were treated on large plantations through the ignorance of Mary Jane Wilks, the daughter of the deceased George Wilks. Incredibly, she believes that her slaves are happy and treated kindly. With sincerity, she tells Huck how her family 's slaves are fortunate because they are given off every Sunday and holidays. On a deeper level, however, this demonstrates how poorly slaves were treated, even by the kindest of slave owners. If Mary Jane represents the best of slave owners, then it is easy to imagine the atrocities of cruel masters who whipped their slaves, forcing them to pick crops in the hot sun from dawn til dusk seven days a week. Although

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