
The Alchemist : The Hundred Foot Journey

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Learning lessons and finding a place on Earth is truly important in a person’s life. This signifies that someone must discover their true identity and adapt to the changing world if they desire to pursue their intention. Therefore, if a person wants to accomplish their goal with enough passion, their actions and thoughts will transform to help them attain that certain objective. People must change their attitudes, experience new challenges, obtain strong advice, and approach the world in a different perspective in order to achieve their Personal Legend. The Alchemist is a novel in which Paulo Coelho describes Santiago as a young boy who encounters people that help him and stand in his way which motivates him to discover and understand his inner-self. In the film The Hundred Foot Journey, Hassan is portrayed as a young man with a passion for cooking who has to experience many conflicting changes and adjust in order to accomplish his goal of becoming a prominent chef. Both characters are displayed with strong personalities as well as determined minds throughout their life-changing journeys. Although he is shown as inexperienced before his journey, Santiago becomes responsible and brave while learning the meaning of the world. During this journey, the people Santiago comes across instill knowledge in him and encourage him to develop a courageous attitude. One of the motivating people he meets is Melchizedek, an old man who tells Santiago that his Personal Legend is to visit

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