
The American Colonies

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P.S Revolution Paper The American Revolution was far more than a battle of bloodshed and violence. The American Colonies that thrived from Englishman's journey to the New World created new ideology disconnected from the view of Parliament in the mother country of England. As the colonies flourished thousands of miles from Europe, a new breed of people were created of different ethnic groups, religious influences and Puritans ideals. This new breed were named Americans and as Americans developed this new identity, a greater schism between England and America was created. This schism lead to Salutary Neglect , the social and political policy beginning in 1607 that England would place no restrictions on the colonies so that they could …show more content…

After the French and Indian War, which established the Appalachian Mountains as a natural barrier between the colonies and the west, King George III ordered that colonists could not move west of the Appalachian Mountains in order to avoid conflicts with the Native Americans. If colonists had already settled in the west, they could stay. The Proclamation stated that England “ hereby strictly forbid...all our loving Subjects from making any Purchases or Settlements whatever, or taking Possessions of any Lands above reserved. Without our especial leave and License for that Purpose first obtained”(Royal Proclamation-1763). The idea that colonists needed England consent to settle sparked confusion in the colonies as settling was previously loose. King George’s intervention proved his power to break Salutary Neglect as colonists were outraged at his control on settlements as the King claimed that “Lands which, not having been ceded to or purchased by Us, are still reserved to the said Indians as aforesaid” (Royal Proclamation- 1763). Colonists were not only angered by the limitations on their boundaries but the idea that limitations were set on them at all. The sudden impact that King George set forth on the colonists by this Proclamation made their previous rule of themselves complex. The colonists saw this Proclamation as unwarranted as England had never …show more content…

In order to fund the British troops stationed in areas of conflict, England fell into debt. As a result, Parliament began using the colonists for revenue by The Sugar Act of 1764. This Act lowered the tax on molasses from 6 pence to 3 pence and taxed other goods such as wine, clay, foriegn coffee, cloth, dyes and other goods. Although the price decreased, Great Britain planned to enforce it with the British Navy and Admiralty Court. It was said “That if any action or suit shall be commenced, either in Great Britain or America, against any person or persons for any thing done in pursuance of this or any other act of parliament relating to his Majesty's customs, the defendant or defendants in such action or suit may plead the general issue” back in England in trial (Sugar Act-1764, XLVII). These restrictions put forth on the colonies, especially on an ingredient vital to Rum, advanced England's influence on America. Revenue was to be further gained by the a similar measure put in place in 1765, The Stamp Act. Parliament taxed every legal document produced as well as newspapers, liquor, dice and other everyday items. In defiance, intercolonial organizations such as the Committee of Correspondence began to arise in order to coordinate boycotts. John Dickinson rights resolutions of the Stamp Act as well stating that “it is inseparably

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