
The American Creed, By George C. Edwards

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The United States of America is a relatively young nation and its conception was the beginning of something new, an experiment that continues on to the present day and will likely continue on for quite some time. In the last two hundred plus years the demographics of the nation evolved with it to become even more and more into what it is considered to be today, a nation of immigrants founded by immigrants. Regardless of the changing faces of the United States, one factor of American democracy that has not changed too much is the “political culture”, as argued by George C. Edwards. The American Creed, as identified by Seymour Martin Lipsett, is what holds this political culture together; the Creed is made up of the shared values of the …show more content…

However, the line between church and state has become worryingly thinner and thinner since the Cold War, and even more so since the “War on Terror” started, which has disrupted this basic liberty. The increase in fear of other, most prevalent in the form of islamophobia and xenophobia, has become a concern and the way to handle this has become a debate. In Clinton’s speech, she said, “And we’ll build a path to citizenship for millions of immigrants who are already contributing to our economy! We will not ban a religion. We will work with all Americans and our allies to fight terrorism.” her approach was one more in line with liberty. She understood that it is an American right to practice your religion freely, as long as it does not undermine the freedoms of anybody else. This is highlighted in her separation of “a religion” in reference to Islam, and “to fight terrorism” as the two are not necessarily exclusive to each other. As can be accurately summarized by both the book, “...reflecting many American’s view that they would prefer to fight to the bitter end than submit…” (Edwards 20) and Clinton’s quoting of Hamilton: An American Musical, at the of the day, liberty is an American ideal that is worth fighting for. The restrictions on liberty would not be all to tolerated. While it is liberty that most often times jumps into mind when thinking about American ideals, egalitarianism is quite on par with the mentioned concept, as

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