
The American Dream In The Great Gatsby

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People have been traveling to the United States of America for years on end now. The biggest reason why foreigners leave their home country is because they would like to pursue their personal dreams in a land where anything is possible. Although the american dream seems like a well oiled machine, there are a few kinks that could use some fixing. In the novel written by F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby, some of those pros and cons of the american dream could be recognized within each character. Jay Gatsby and Tom and Daisy Buchanan all share one thing in common, the american dream could be revealed in their characters. To start off, each character symbolizes a small part of the American dream. For example, Gatsby is the best example, …show more content…

“He looked at her the way all women want to be looked at by a man” (Nick Carraway). This quote was about Gatsby and Daisy. He looked at her in a way that all women wanted to be looked at, this is something she could not get from Tom. He and Gatsby looked at Daisy differently. Additionally, Tom was a very different man than Gatsby. For starters, they lived in different parts of town, which is very important because that resembles their wealth. Although Gatsby is very wealthy, he could never get to the point of Tom. Because of this, they both resemble different parts of the American dream. Tom represents the part of the dream that allows anyone to do as they please with little to no consequences. His affair is a great example of this because he gets away with it and someone else catches all the blame. Tom was able to do all of this due to his ambition to get laid. Also, the American dream allowed him to have the affair because if they were in another country or living during a different time this may not have been possible because they would not have had the same opportunities as they do in the states. “And what's more, I love Daisy too. Once in a while I go off on a spree and make a fool of myself, but I always come back, and in my heart I love her all the time." (Tom Buchanan p252) This quote explains why Tom thought it was ok to cheat on Daisy, only because he actually loved her and kept coming back to her. This is one

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