
The American Dream In The Great Gatsby

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The article “Rethinking American Dream” explains the evolution of the American Dream through the years, and how the modern view is quite different from how it was viewed in the past. Originally, the American Dream was an idea that gave promise to ordinary people, for a happy lifestyle. As times changed, it gradually became associated with fame and wealth. This changed the way society viewed its “promise” therefore changing what people were working towards. This relates to The Great Gatsby, by F. Scott Fitzgerald because one of the main themes in the novel is the American Dream. Throughout The Great Gatsby, Jay attempts to live the American Dream as a wealthy and classy man, with the girl of his dreams. This is a prime example of how the American Dream has changed. Gatsby isn’t working towards a happy lifestyle, with equality, but instead he is working to be above the lower class in society, in order to “fit in”. Fitting in is exactly how the American Dream has changed. Fitting in, is not happiness or equality, but instead, trying to …show more content…

The article, “Gatsby’s Green Light Beckons New Set of Strivers” states that this green light represent hope that Jay has towards his goals. As well as analysing the green light in the text, the article tells stories of how the green light inspires children and teenagers to work towards something they want. There are many interpretations to the novel, but it is clear that Gatsby is working towards some kind of goal. The American Dream as most people see it, is unattainable, and this shows that even though the goals that Gatsby is working towards are unrealistic, he still works hard, and puts all the effort in that he can. This is exactly how the novel relates the the article. Not all goals are open to everyone, and generally dreams stay dreams, but as the article puts it “it's the journey towards the dream that

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