
The American Dream In The Great Gatsby

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The novel The Great Gatsby by Fitzgerald has many themes, with one of the most significant one being the definition of the American dream in the era of the 1920’s. The American Dream stereotypically is defined as someone starting low on the economic or social level, but with hard work and devotion to goals eventually making a transition towards prosperity and/or wealth and fame. Money, a new car, a big house, nice clothes and a happy family symbolizes the American dream. To me, this dream also represents that people, no matter how they start out in life, can become successful by their own work and effort. The American dream in The Great Gatsby compared to my American dream is quite the opposite however. In The Great Gatsby it never seemed …show more content…

Myrtle desires for a perfect life filled with fame and wealth. She enjoys reading gossip magazines which represent her hope for the life of “the rich and famous". Her wanting to be with Tom is an example of how she just wants the life of “the rich and famous". When Myrtle first married George she thought she was crazy in love with him and thought they were happy together. Myrtle says, “The only crazy I was was when I married him. I knew right away I made a mistake. He borrowed somebody’s best suit to get married in, and never told me about it, and the man came after it one day when he was out…" (Fitzgerald, 37). This shows how Myrtle only cares for material items, and that she didn’t appreciate George and his ability to try to make their wedding perfect by him borrowing a suit. She believes that Tom is the ideal “picture perfect man” that basically represents the advertisement of the American Dream. In my view of the real American dream you have to stop pushing for goals once you reach the point of compromising your ethical standards, and also when you are allowing yourself to take advantage of others for your own selfish …show more content…

Many people in our era become obsessed with having money and make this priority over family and all that they once cared about. Having money is certainly important in life, and it can make life more comfortable and easier, but when it becomes a big enough priority that families and relationships are actually destroyed I feel it becomes part of the American nightmare instead of a dream. As described in The Great Gatsby, many relationships were damaged because people were cheating with rich men to just obtain money and fame. People should not strive for a relationship that means nothing just so they can become rich from their marriage. In The Great Gatsby being successful was being rich. That is certainly not my view on being successful, and I value having a family that loves me and is proud of me, having a job that I will actually enjoy going to everyday, and one that allows me to have a positive influence on the world around me. My American dream is to strive for building a relationship surrounded by true love and happiness and become wealthy together as a result of the powerful

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