
The American Dream In The Great Gatsby

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The American dream that is portrayed in The Great Gatsby starts in the early 1900’s. It starts by talking about World War II which was a very stressful time for America. The American dream is portrayed as something that someone must work hard for and earn. But in this book, the American dream is made out to be filled with money and being selfish to get what you want. And when money isn’t enough to keep his dream alive, everything goes opposite of how it was planned. In chapter 4 Gatsby wants to win back Daisy, Gatsby himself a lot of money and basically gets everything he wants. So, winning back Daisy would be the ultimate goal for his way to rise to the top of the status pole. A couple of chapters later, he is able to get Daisy back, which means he is definitely able to get where he wants to be in life, or the American dream. At one point in the story, he clearly ties Daisy to being a part of his larger dreams that he has in his mind. In the book, he talks about Daisy moving her face towards his and when the kissed he had felt so complete. Gatsby himself hosted these extravagant parties. There were vast amounts of alcohol and money. Everyone that went to these parties were living the American dream, and trying to fill themselves with money and alcohol to make them feel better. Although Gatsby’s dream isn’t directly laid out, throughout the book you get little snippets of his amazing version of his American dream. “I decided to call to him. Miss Baker had mentioned

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