
The American Dream Thesis

Satisfactory Essays

The American Dream is the idea of having rights and being free to do what you want in America. It means that everyone should have the right to have a decent education, or invest and own any business. The American Dream is to work hard in your life, invent something and come up with ideas to invest and achieve your goal or so called dream. The American Dream is all about how successful you really are because money talks and America is all about your financial status. In order to achieve the American Dream one has to have the right attitude. If they do not have the right attitude then they can not accomplish anything. In order to achieve your dream you need to work your butt off until you retire and spend your money wisely just like your time because time is money. One can achieve there dream if they save as much money as you can and once you come up with a good idea invest, but research as much as you can during your life because you do not want to throw all the money you worked so hard for in the trash. …show more content…

The content I wrote had the correct MLA format with evidence. My paper really talked about constitutionality of the issue which was the American Dream and displayed detailed information. The analysis also supports the thesis statement throughout the seminar

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