
The American Revolution : A Historiographical Introduction

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The American Revolution, also known as the U.S. War of Independence, started in the early 1700s and ended in the late 1700s. This war was started in an attempt to end the tension between the American colonies and the British government. After reading the article, “The American Revolution: A Historiographical Introduction,” provided by The British Library, and “The Historiography of the American Revolution” by Michael Hattem, I have a better overall understanding of how the history of the American Revolution has changed over time. If I were to continue writing the article “The American Revolution: A Historiographical Introduction,” provided by The British Library I would choose to use a book titled “Revolutionary Characters: What Made The Founders Different,” written by Gordon S. Wood, and a book titled “Founding Brothers: The Revolutionary Generation,” written by Joseph J Ellis as reference. The article “The American Revolution: A Historiographical Introduction,” provided by The British Library, goes over how the American Revolution’s history has changed throughout the years following it. The events of history cannot be changed but depending on the person explaining it is, the perspective will change. The article by Michael Hattem titled, “The Historiography of the American Revolution,” has a very similar idea. This article goes over different interpretations of multiple time periods.
One of the books I would choose to use to continue writing the assigned article

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