
Essay on The American Woman Vs. the Chinese Woman

Decent Essays

Across cultures, many times similarities lay within them that go unnoticed. It is true that obvious differences set them apart; but if a closer look is taken, it is surprising what can be found. The Chinese culture is obviously different from the American culture, but underneath the surface there are similarities. One of them is how the treatment of women has evolved and changed. Anti-feminism in China has been present since ancient times, and has just recently decreased. Anti-feminism in America has never been as severe as it was in China; however, instead of the value of women gradually increasing over the years - it has reversed. The value of women in America has decreased. There are many similarities between the ancient Chinese women …show more content…

There is nothing about it that shows any respect toward the woman, nor is there any sign of awe or respect given to the act of giving birth. The author makes it seem like there are no emotions involved, almost as if the baby was a trade for the act of kindness that Ku bestowed upon the lady knight errant. This is where the anti-feminism in China began, and where the anti-feminism in America was yet to exist.

As time carries on, America enters the Neolithic Period and women's worth decreases very rapidly. The western people begin to settle in cities and form villages, and the men of the time say that anything outside of the house is too dangerous. At this point, all the women stay inside the villages and tend to the domestic part of life - staying home to do the cooking, cleaning, sewing, raise the children, prepare anything the men needed. At this point, the two culture's views on women are very similar. In America, as was already explained, men were becoming more valuable than women; and in China, the same thing can be seen as the men are given the privileges of becoming emperors or merchants, or even knight errants if they so choose. At the same time, the women in China are supposed to be submissive and always at the beck and call of their husband or lover. In the story, "The Pearl Shirt Reencountered" Chiang Te leaves his wife to take care of business in his

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