
The American dream has been an idea since America was first founded. When thinking of the American

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The American dream has been an idea since America was first founded. When thinking of the American dream, one may think of a person rising from being poor to becoming rich, finding love, and gaining wealth and power. People’s views are constantly changing about the American dream, although it is generally based on independency, freedom, and a desire for something better. In the early days many wanting to acquire the American dream just wanted to own a lot of land and start a family, however in present times people wanting to acquire the American dream focus on more materialistic things. One may want a big house, a life of ease, and a nice car. The American dream has transformed into focusing on material items as an indication of being …show more content…

Gatsby’s poor judgment is not realizing that Daisy represents the corruption that wealth can bring. Even though Daisy appears to be sweet, she is really self-centered and cold hearted. Daisy does not care about others, and she lets Gatsby take the blame for her unintentional killing of Myrtle. Gatsby’s death results from her carelessness and she seems to show no concern. Daisy and Tom’s marriage is also proof of the corruption of the American dream. Although they are extremely rich and have plenty of nice things, they are unhappy. They both are not satisfied with their lives and want something better. They seem to be bored with life and want something new. Tom wants to find the same excitement that he found when playing football in college. He finds this excitement when cheating on his wife with Myrtle. Daisy also finds this excitement when having an affair with Gatsby. They all fail to realize that wealth and power does not mean that they will attain happiness. Wealth had numbing effects on both Tom and daisy. When Gatsby and Myrtle get killed, neither one of them calls nor sends regards. Daisy and Tom seem to have no remorse. Nick sees Tom and daisy for who they really are. Nick shows that he sees their true colors when he says, “They smashed up things and creatures and then retreated back into their money or their vast carelessness or whatever it was that kept them together, and let other people clean up the mess they

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