
The And Its Effects On The Human Brain

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Over the last hundred years much was learned about the localisation of function in the human brain than ever before. Gall and his followers through the trials of phrenology started investigating the functions of the brain but soon that was replaced by the by solid neuroscientific evidence from experiments in other animals (Kringebach & Rolls, 2004). However, even with the the evolution of human neuroimaging over the last 15–20 years, still some researchers use this technique in a way that resembles a kind of modern-day phrenology (Kringebach & Rolls, 2004). Furthermore, it is of vital importance to be aware of the fact that these interesting pictures of the brain can potentially mislead us if not interpreting them based on the wealth of scientific evidence gained by diverse and various methods from both humans and other animals(Kringebach & Rolls, 2004).
According to Cavada & Schzult’s (2004) orbitofrontal cortex is one of the least explored and least understood regions of the primate cerebral cortex, a part of the frontal lobe that lies on the top of the orbit. Classic clinical evidence proposes that the orbitofrontal cortex is engaged in critical human operations, such as social integration and the regulation of emotional states, drive and responsibility, and generally traits that are vital in shaping the ‘personality’ of an individual.
Kringebach and Rolls (2004) argues that the orbitofrontal cortex can be used in various ways as a good model of how

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