
The Anti Vaccination Movement Has Been On The Rise Essay

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Recently the anti-vaccination movement has been on the rise. It all started with one study that suggested that the increasing rates of people diagnosed with autism is directly related to vaccines. Parents whose children were healthy babies and then started showing symptoms of autism were quick to blame vaccines. It is normal for symptoms of autism to not show up immediately, but some parents assume that this must mean that something caused it. Vaccines are something that many children get starting in their infancy so it is an easy target. The study that suggested that vaccines are related to the increase in autism was later falsified and there is currently no evidence that vaccines cause or have any relation to autism. Yet, many parents are concerned about their effects. Some parents are uncertain about whether vaccines have adverse effects so they better about not getting their children vaccinated. If given the choice between acting and potentially causing harm to their children and not acting and potentially causing harm people generally feel less guilt about not acting. This leads to people feeling safer about not vaccinating and putting their children at risk of a catching a disease than vaccinating and putting their children at risk for autism. While the number of people diagnosed with autism is increasing, this does not necessarily mean that the number of people who have autism has increased. The increased number of diagnoses is related to the increased ability to

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