
The Archetype Of Percy Jackson In The Lightning Thief

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How many sacrifices would someone be willing to take to become a hero? Percy Jackson from The Lightning Thief symbolizes the hero on a quest archetype. Percy Jackson is made up of Percy is on the quest on trying to get the Lighting to Zeus. There are 12 stages of archetype. The Archetype begins with the Ordinary world, Call to Adventure, Refuse love the call, Meeting with the mentor, crossing the first Threshold, test allies and enemies, approach, ordeal, reward, the road back, resurrection, and it tops off with the return of Elixir. Percy jackson thinks he’s a “Normal Human” who his dad left him at the age of 7 months. This is the beginning of the Hero's quest in a ordinary world. Percy Jackson follows these 12 stages of archetype which makes him the Hero of the film. The Three main stages of this archetype that Percy Jackson follows are the Ordinary World, Call to Adventure, and the Return of Elixir. These Three stages will prove the Archetype Of percy Jackson's quest. The Ordinary World in the Movie Percy Jackson lightning thief is Percy Jackson, a “normal student”, going to High School. Percy Jackson has Dyslexia and ADHD, making his life really difficult. Percy Jackson loves to be in the water and is able to hold his breathe under water up to 7 minutes with no problem. He lives with his mom and Stepdad, in the City of New York. His relationship with his step dad, Gabe, is hateful because he considers him as a dull and careless guy who wants everything handed to

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