
The Argument Of Abortion On Abortion

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The argument of abortion is largely circumstanced around whether or not a fetus should be considered as a human person and, if indeed it is, when exactly in the stages of development can a person agree with the aforementioned statement. Most pro-life supporters firmly believe that a fetus is a human at the instance of conception and use this as a sole basis to argue that abortion is therefore immoral. Judith Jarvis Thomson is not convinced that this basis is a sufficient defense and approaches the argument by modifying a generic view on abortion. In the article, "A Defense of Abortion," Thomson makes the assumption that a fetus is, in fact, a human person upon conception and has a right to life. She then claims that even if this notion is …show more content…

Thomson uses a number of analogical cases besides the ill violinist to support her argument. John Noonan criticizes the analogical reasoning of Thomson by saying that the circumstances she creates to duplicate the facets of abortion are not similar in their relevant moral aspects. In his article, "How To Argue About Abortion," Noonan claims that using a moral response in one situation (sick violinist) to reach a moral conclusion in a different situation (abortion) on the plane that there is an analogy between the two situations is unreliable because the cases are always different in some respects. Reaching down to moral conclusions in one situation would be inherently different to a moral conclusion reached from another situation. In Thomson 's case, the analogy is too weak to be used as justification for her argument. For one, the subject in the violinist case was kidnapped. This spontaneous kidnapping is a radical occurrence and therefore does not equate to an unforeseen pregnancy. Also, the subject in the violinist case must be directly hooked to the violinist. This inconvenience cannot be compared to the inconvenience that a pregnant woman experiences while pregnant, since a pregnant woman is still mobile and capable of everyday tasks. These inconsistencies make the moral standings in the case of the sick violinist irrelevant to the case involving pregnancy and abortion. To further his refutation,

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