
The Argument On The Left

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In a world where blue-collar jobs are considered unappealing by many, an increasing amount of individuals have begun to choose to attend college in the hopes of achieving prestigious positions in the white-collar industry. Unfortunately, however, one’s decision to further their education at post-secondary school can have one rather drastic unforeseen consequence: thousands of dollars’ worth of debt. As a result of this growing “epidemic” plaguing college students around the nation, rallying cries for free higher education have begun to spring up throughout the country. But, for as many logical, thought-out arguments that exist in support of free college, there are just as many against it. In fact, as highlighted in Dissent Magazine’s …show more content…

Additionally, Cottom states, “An educational justice policy must include institutions of higher education but cannot only include institutions of higher education” (Cottom). Unfortunately, this adds even more burden to an already overwhelming financial undertaking. According to this logic, this notion of free education must expand beyond the boundaries of college and into the realm of trade schools as well, which only increases the cost that cannot easily be paid. Furthermore, Cottom also points out that, “…free college would likely benefit only an outlying group of students who are currently shut out of higher education because of cost” (Cottom). While I wholeheartedly believe that everyone who wants to learn should, regardless of their economic standing, looking at the situation from this point of view can cause one to question the validity of the whole endeavor. That is, what way does it make sense to undertake such a huge financial burden if free college won’t necessarily benefit everyone? Much like Cottom’s argument, Mike Konczal’s article titled, “Generation Debt,” also approaches the topic of free higher education from a rather positive stance. Konczal proclaims that education is a right that every human should have access to, and insists that the government be the ones responsible for providing the service. However, instead of insinuating that higher education be provided for free,

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