
The Art Of Teaching Music

Better Essays

Carlehr Swanson
The Art of Teaching Music
Prof. East Fall 2015

Growing up I was painfully shy. If anything required public speaking, I would shy away from it. I lived my life being scared to ask for opportunities to share my talent, and hated being put on the spot. The more I developed as a performer, I realized I would have to talk, sometimes a lot. In High School I signed up for a Radio Broadcasting and Journalism class, simply because I liked music. In the class, shy people didn’t exist or pass the class for that matter. I was put on the spot constantly to stand in front of the class and present my news stories. For a test grade, I even had to host a radio show every week. The fear of speaking went away. Not only did I no longer have fear. I was good at it! When I spoke people listened. The talent was not inherited, or was it naturally there. However, the more I exercised the ability, the more it grew. My senior year of high school I said the morning announcements. Now, in college I do the Daily Update for Mason Cable News. I agree with Suzuki one hundred percent, “We must realize that talent, not only in music but in other fields as, is not inherited.” Coming from a long line of talkers, I didn’t have that ability, it was something I truly had to work at.

Throughout my life, I have found that the experiences or activities that helped me the most in music weren’t necessarily music related. Instead of teaching my students legato and staccato by giving them

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