
Journalism And The Power Of Emotions By Bech Sillesen

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The article Journalism and the power of emotions, by Bech Sillesen, Chris Ip, and David Uberti, discusses the varying ways in which storytelling has evolved as it travels between mediums, especially in the digital age; through this, the article discusses how the digital world could be potentially limiting both to our thoughts and the degree of empathy that we feel. This article is a review of a project made to examine this concept, and is broken down into three components: what empathy is, how narratives summon empathy, and lastly the effect that technology has on our capability to express it. Empathy is described as “everyday mind reading,” or the ability to which you understand other’s mental and emotional states based on body language and words. Our ability to do this increases as we spend more time with the person, meaning that empathy is dependant on time. The main way we feel empathy is through “experience sharing,” meaning that as you see someone expressing a passionate emotion, your brain produces your own version of the pain/story within yourself to relate. Our brains intertwine due to the social nature of humans, but it’s important to note that it’s similarity that draws out empathy. If we perceive a person as too different or see no way to relate, this bond does not occur, which leads second part of this paper - the nature of storytelling. The next stage of “experience sharing” is “transportation theory.” This is when you become so engaged in a story that you

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