
The Assassination Of Abraham Lincoln

Good Essays

Michael Cardenas
History 2B
October 16, 2015
The Assassination Of Abraham Lincoln On April 14, 1865 at twelve o’ clock midnight John Wilkes Booth lay in his bed at the National Hotel. Three days earlier he had attended a speech given by President Abraham Lincoln at the White House. The civil war had commenced just two days earlier and the crowd was jubilant. When Lincoln concluded his speech with the the acknowledgment of black suffrage, Booth became incensed and declared that “Now by God, I’ll put him through, that will be the last speech he makes”. Booth was a staunch Confederate sympathizer and he had previously plotted a kidnapping involving the president in exchange for POWS between the northern and southern states. With that plan failed, he became desperate in figuring a way to put the power back in the Confederacy. Along with three other conspirators Booth realized exactly what needed to be done and that night at Ford’s Theatre, while a performance of the play “Our American Cousin” was appearing, Booth slipped into the Presidential Box seats where Abraham Lincoln and his wife Mary Todd were seated and shot him. Booth jumped onto the stage below and fled the scene among the chaos. As Lincoln lay dying a young surgeon named Charles Leale and other doctors in the audience tended to Lincoln and decided that traveling to the White house was out of the question, so carrying him out of the theatre on a stretcher, Lincoln was taken to the Petersen Boarding House

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