
The Atomic Bombs Released On The Doomsday Clock

Better Essays

Jadis Chavez-Storrs
Professor Myers
English 1A
26 February 2017
Seconds to Midnight on the Doomsday Clock
The Atomic bombs released on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan by an American B-29 bomber, the Enola Gay, brought WWII to a significant end. During WWII, the United States and Soviet Union served as allies against the Axis Powers. Though this wasn’t the only alliance standing against Japan, Italy, Hungary, Romania, and Bulgaria; The United States’ and USSR’s relationship at this point in history was controversial because the two nations never completely trusted each other although fighting common enemies. According to historian Gar Alperovitz, “The bomb made it possible for the United States to do whatever it wanted to Europe because we …show more content…

“My clothes were burnt and so was my skin. I was in rags. I had braided my hair, but now it was like a lion’s mane. There were people, barely breathing, trying to push their intestines back in. People with their legs wrenched off. Without heads. Or with faces burned and swollen out of shape. The scene I saw was a living hell.” (Michiko 385). A civilian who was exposed to the atomic bomb, Yamamoka Michiko, reflects on the scene she so devastatingly was a part of the day the bomb was dropped. Her description of the cities ruins gives us an idea of just how brutal and horrific the nuclear weapon turned to be. Not only did the United States privately construct such a ruthless weapon, but also used the Atomic Bomb as an unfortunate way to instantaneously end WWII. The United States’ decision to bomb Japan was seen as directed against the Soviet Union because during this time, Stalin had moved troops to the far East in order to enter war with Japan to secure and strengthen a soviet strategic position for combat. The bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki is seen as an unnecessary war crime because allied nations were making moves to prepare to defeat Japan. Though nations such as the Soviet Union worked vigorously to defeat Japan, the United States wanted to end the war quickly while letting other nations know the they were in charge due to their possession of the world’s first nuclear weapon. The aftermath of WWII left many nations in a

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