
The Automatic Millionaire Book Report

Good Essays

Alan Haynes
Mr. Millard
November 5, 2014
The Automatic Millionaire Book Report In David Bach’s book The Automatic Millionaire, he reveals to readers a plan that could help them prosper in life financially and retire early without any financial stress. In the first chapter of his book his introduces to us the McIntyres, a normal married couple looking to retire early. After talking to the couple, Bach discovers that this is no regular couple financially. He finds out that this couple owns two homes without any mortgages, have absolutely no debt and have a net worth of almost two million dollars. He then investigates why this is so. He finds that the McIntyres have some guidelines that help them. They have goals instead of budgets, they pay themselves first, watch their latte factor or spending and make their savings automatic. Chapter 2 describes the latte factor. The latte factor is a term that is used to describe the unnecessary spending habits that everyone does. Over time these small purchases add up. Bach gives some tips on how to control it; write down what you spend for a week and see what you can eliminate from your purchases. With those purchases, instead of spending your money on them, use the money to put into a savings account. Five dollars a day in a good money market account with a 10% annual return would add up to $339,073 in 30 years. The latte factor is to help people realize that they make enough to spend. In chapter 3, Bach gives us

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